Minggu, 19 Mei 2024

Uncovering Business Secrets: 10 Terms You Must Know to Succeed in the Business World

If you want to succeed in the business world, there are several terms you need to be familiar with. These terms may not be very familiar to the general public, but they play important role in understanding business strategies and facing challenges ahead.

In this article, we will uncover 10 business terms that you need to understand to achieve success in the competitive business world. Let's get started!

1. Bootstrapping:

- Financing a business using internal resources and business revenue.

- Full control without dependence on loans or external investors.

- Efficient resource management, slower growth.

2. Pivot:

- Significant changes in business strategy.

- Involves changes in business model, target market, product, or marketing strategy.

- Adaptation to market changes, competitive advantages.

3. Blue Ocean Strategy:

- Creating new markets or market segments that have yet to be explored.
- Offering unique and innovative value.
- Competitive advantage through avoiding direct competition.

4. Burn Rate:

- The rate of expenditure of funds or the speed of cash or capital outflow.
- Crucial in managing business finances and achieving breakeven.
- Requires effective financial management to maintain a healthy burn rate.

5. Unicorn:

- Term for startups with a valuation exceeding 1 billion dollars.
- Represents exceptional and rare success.

- Attracting investor interest and providing high growth potential.

6. SWOT Analysis:

- An analysis to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business.
- Assists in planning strategies based on a deep understanding of internal and external factors.
- Important for identifying competitive advantages and addressing challenges.

7. Disruptive Innovation:

- Innovation that disrupts or changes the conventional way an industry operates.
- Emerges from startup companies and changes the business landscape.
- Introduces new products or services that are more efficient, cheaper, and innovative.

8. Return on Investment (ROI):

- A ratio measuring the profit or return obtained from an investment.
- Calculated by dividing the net profit by the amount of capital invested.
- Important for evaluating investment success and making wise decisions in resource allocation.

9. Intellectual Property (IP):

- Legal rights to protect the results of creativity or innovation.
- Includes copyrights, patents, trademarks, and industrial designs.
- Provides legal protection and competitive advantage to the owner.

10. Agile Methodology:

- A flexible and collaborative approach to software development or project management.
- Prioritizes adaptation to change and delivering high-value software incrementally.
- Allows companies to respond quickly to changes in market needs and customer demands.

By understanding these terms, you will have a deeper insight into important aspects of the business world. Keep expanding your knowledge and applying these concepts in your business strategy. Wishing you success in your business journey!

Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

contoh proposal skripsi writting dengan menggunakan Text Procedure

Improving Students’ Writing Abilitiy Through Text Procedure
(An Experiment at Class 3 Students of MTSS Al Furqan Bambi)


1.      The Background of Study
Language as a main tool of communication is very important to learn. Language makes us easy to interaction each other. Because of it, many languages are used in the world. English as international language becomes a study which is forced to be learnt. It is not only used for communication but also used for keeping up with the development of technology and science. Many occupations need someone who has mastered English skills well. English has four skills; they are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. All of the skills are highly required.
Some countries use English as second language. For example, Malaysia and Singapore. In Indonesia, English as foreign language. Because of that, English becomes a difficult study to be learnt. People think that they do not need English to communicate in their daily activities because they can use their own language. For students, they only get a few times to learn or practice English in school. So, they are not interested and always be shy to use English.
For people who work in the typing house, they usually reject the typing about English. It causes they have to spell letter by letter every type it. So like that for students, they are lazy to write because what that they read is different with what that they have to write. They do not have enough vocabulary and they are afraid to make something wrong with the grammar, too. Therefore they think that writing is boring activity and it is uninteresting for them.
Referring to above condition, the writer believes that writing is a skill that needs extra works to be mastered. The purpose of teaching writing is to improve students’ ability to function effectively in such written context. Writing, for obvious reasons,  is one of the most visible products of education, and incorect usage and spelling havew been taken to be signs or a personal scholastic failure and an alleged widespread deterioration of writing ability and indication of inadequacies in whole scholl systems. So, it is not surprising that some countries or school system have begun to assess systematically the efficacy of the teaching and learning of writing (Takala, 1988:4). Writing plays an important role in which speaking can not to fulfill the communicative needs. Crimon (1983) said that writing is hard work. Therefore students need a lot of practices to apply their writing ability. Writing is an effective way to communicate and express our thoughts, feelings, and opinions to others. Writing has function to entertaining and making fun. There are a variety of ways to use writing in our everyday live. For example we can write about the cake receipt. Writing skill helps the learners gain independent, comprehensibility, fluency and creativity in writing. If learners have mastered these skills, they will be able to write so that not only they can read what they have written, but others speakers of that language can read and understand it.
As a teacher, teaching is not an easy job but it is necessary one and can be very rewarding when we see out students’ progress and know that we have helped to make it happen. Based on the concept and function of English as stated in the 2006 Competence-Based Curriculum which has similar principle with Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) for SMP/MTs, the teaching-learning of English has the purpose to develop four skills.
Many teachers are also strongly committed to invite students to participate effectively in writing situations. The teachers have some texts for help them in teaching writing. The texts are purposeful and patterned to serve writer purpose. Each texts type has different social function, general structure, and language feature. There are many kinds of text that are studied in junior high school students, namely narrative, descriptive, recount, report, and procedure.
The study will be focused on writing a procedure text which one of the materials in English lesson for SMP/MTs especially on the third year students. Procedure is one of text that is to help the readers how to do, use, or make something completely. Sometimes, the students create the procedure text without care about the generic structure specifically. They also get problem in using imperative verb and temporal conjunction. So, the result of learning procedure text is not optimal.
Finally, based on the writer experiment and observation, the writer chooses MTsS Al Furqan Bambi to conduct the research. I would like to take this school because most of learners at MTsS Al Furqan Bambi are lazy to learn English especially writing. To solve the problem, the writer chooses the title to help the learners “IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL THROUGH TEXT PROCEDURE” (An Experiment at class 3 Students of MTsS Al Furqan Bambi)
2.      The Problem of Study
Based on the background above, so the researcher can formulate the problem in this research as follow:
·         Could procedure text improve students’ writing skill?

3.      The Hypothesis of Study
Hypothesis is a guiding idea, statement of possibilities, and searches the relevant data and other consideration and predicts the certain result.
In every research it is necessary to formulate the certain hypothesis, because according to Helt and Good (1952:73) the formulation of the hypothesis is a central step in good research and it is important to give a great deal of thought.
The hypothesis of this study can be formulated as follow the student taught by writing a procedure text improves their ability in English writing skill to those who are taught not procedure text.
4.      The Purpose of The Study
This study is carried out in order that the author gets more information about how to teach writing with a proper way or method. The result of the research can be used as input in English teaching-learning process, especially in teaching writing procedure text.  The result of the research can be used as the reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching-learning process. In Practical Benefit, the writer hopes that the result of this research will be useful for teachers of readers, in order that they can use it in the teaching learning process, to make the students more interested in studying English.
. The research has several purposes for teacher and students. Students are more interested to write and get more ideas to develop their ideas. For teacher, they are easier to get procedure text on magazine, newspaper, or magazine to help them in teaching and learning.
  1. Scope of the Study
A limitation for the scope of the study is about writing skill. The writer limited for the second years at MTsS Al Furqan Bambi. The class is IX.A and IX.B in order to mastering writing skill especially for their grammar and vocabulary in teaching writing to improve students’ writing ability on procedure text. It will be know when we use pre-test and post-test.

  1. Population and Sample
The population of this research is all of the third year students of junior high school at MTsS Al Furqan Bambi which consist of 67 students in two classes.

6.2.                             Sample
The writer will choose two classes as a sample for the experimental class and control class. VIIIB as an experimental class that the number of students are 33 students . VIIIA as a control class that the number of students are 34 students. To represent this large number of population, students of class were taken as the sample. The research samples were used purposive sampling. The purpose of this sampling technique was to made the researcher easy in reaching the result of improving students’ writing ability through text procedure in experimental class whether it is effective or not after applying this text. It was useful in order to measure the students achievement of the subject given.
7.      Methods
·         Writing
Writing is an activity to express ideas, issues, events, filling, or thinking through written form. A definition of writing suggest by John (1967:221) as a visual ability that important to the individual only when wish to communicate on paper.
·         Procedure
A procedure text is a text to inform someone how to make, to do, or to use something.
7.1.       Experimental Study
This study under experimental teaching method. So, it is needed on experimental class. To the Experimental Class the writer use the procedure text and real things media in learning process. Whereas to the control class, the writer taught them based on method that commonly applied by their teacher as text book.
7.2.                             Treatment
In this section, the writer use the topic about procedure text by using pictures on experimental class. The way of this text is showing some pictures to make something. The students write procedure text based on steps of the picture. Whereas to control class, the writer taught them without procedure text and pictures. She taught based on methode their teacher commonly applied in learning process.
7.3.                             Manipulation
The last step on the lesson, the writer asked some questions to find out how far they understood about writing. Then, the writer found that the studentn can use the pattern such as pour the hot water ( V1 + O ). So, the use procedure text in writing learning can develop students’ speaking ability and it is a good alternative way in learning process.
8.      The Organization of the Study
This thesis consists of five chapters:
·         Chapter one is introduction that include the background of study, the problem of the study, the aim of study, the significant of the study, the research question and hypothesis, operational definition, the scope of study, and the organization of study;
·         Chapter two will explain about literature preview consists of introduction of daily activities writing, showing picture, explanation of grammar;
·         Chapter three is about methodology that consists of the location of the research, populations of sample, the research methodology;
·         Chapter four is about data processing; and
·         Chapter five is consists of conclusion and suggestion.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1997. Dasar - dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Penerbit Bumi Aksara.
Braine, George and May, Claire. 1992. Writing from Sources. London: My Field Company.
Djauhari, Imam D. 1983. Mastery of English Grammar. Uraian Lengkap Tentang Penguasaan Tata Bahasa Inggris. Surabaya: Penerbit Indah.
Heaton, Jhon.B. 1989. Writing English Language Text. New York: Longman Group.
Hornby, A.S. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. Great Clarendon Street Oxford: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Purves, AC, at all. 1988. The IEA Study of Written Composition I: The International
Writing Tasks and Scoring Scale. Oxford: Pergamon Press.


proposal seminar opinion gap technique

1. The Background of Study
            Language is the most important means of communication. People use a language to communicate with others to express to express their personal ideas and to stimulate someone’s responces. Many occupations need someone who has mastered English skills well. English has four skills; they are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. All of the skills are highly required.
            English is a language which is widely spoken in the world, no other language is more widely studied or used as a foreign language than English. People have many reasons to take a great interest to the language, they realize that English is very important as a medium for communication with foreigner. Now a day, English is used as an international language and many important books are written in English.
            There are for skills of English; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The language skills can not be separated from one another. But in this study, the writer only focused on the speaking skill. This skill is very important in learning a language. Linda Flower (2001) states that speaking is even more important as a way to communicate and share the information between one and other people.
            In the international relationship, English ability is important to be able to participate in their society. The speaking skill is measured in terms or the ability to carry out a conversation in the language. This reality makes teachers and parents think that speaking ability should be mastered to their children and students.
            Many learners are not able to speak English well because they seldom to practice it in their days caused of nervous. They feel afraid to make some errors in speaking English so, they decide to be quiet. They are afraid their friends will mock them whether they make errors in talking.
            Using opinion gap technique is very effective to improve the learners speaking skill. But this method makes students brave to speak. This method needs the speaker to be active because if the speakers are passive those acivities can not be entered.
            Pronunciation and vocabulary is also the most problem for common English learners. Both must be mastered by learner in other that they can communicate. Without English vocabulary learners cannot communicate in English. And without pronunciation mastery the misunderstanding between learners can be occurred. So pronunciation is very important. Many learners have problem in vocabularies and pronunciations even many vocabularies they know but they still do not know how to say those words correctly. Indeed pronounciation has rules that can be learnt.
            In other hands, many learners are not motivated to talk English. This problem can be solved by giving some effective methods to them by their teacher. Here English the writer is challenged to help students like that to give some effective methods to improve their skill in speaking, it is by using Opinion Gap technique.
Based on the explanation above, the writer is interest to select the topic for this study; “Using Opinion Gap Technique to Teach Speaking Skill“, An Experiment at Class I Students of SMA 1 Negeri 3 Sigli.
 2. The Problem of Study.
  1. In the conjunction to the background of the study that presented above. The writer focuses on the listening comprehension and the students’ errors in the classroom. Because of this, it is possible for the writer to formulate her problem as the follow:
“Do the students who are taught using Opinion Gap technique can get higher score than those who are taught without Opinion Gap technique ?”
3. The Hypothesis.
The hypothesis of this study can be formulated as follow: “If the teachers use Opinion Gap technique in teaching speaking process, the speaking ability of students will be improve“.
4. The Purpose of Study.
After opinion gap technique is implemented in SMA 1 Negeri Sigli, the writer hope that this technique can be used by the teachers in improving student’s speaking ability. The writer also hopes this technique can make students enjoy in studying and will not worry to try speak English in every occasion.
5. Scope of Study.
Limiting the scope of necessary is an objective research for it allow the writer to cover the whole of relevan things. In line with this, writer would like to confine himself to explain only about using opinion gap technique in speaking class. The writer also want to know wether the students scores of speaking taught by using opinion gap technique will better or not. The subject of this research is the first year students of SMA 1 Negeri 3 Sigli.
6. Populations and Samples.
6.1. The Populations
The populations of this study is the students of the first year of SMA Negeri 3 Sigli, there are four classes total number of the first year are 140 students.
6.2. The Samples.
As a sample, the writer takes two classes. Class X’1 that consist of 35 students and class X’2 has 35 students too.
7. The Methods
·        Speaking is a little more formal and suggest that someone is using their voice or that one person is saying something to a group.
·        Opinion gap is
Experimental of Study
To investigate and to get information about the effectiveness of opinion gap technique, the writer will make experimental teaching. In this case, the writer will teach the speaking skill. Two classes are become the samples of research, one class will be as the experimental class and one other will be a control class. The writer will teach speaking by using opinion gap technique for experimental class. And for the control class, the writer will teach traditional/habitual technique.
2.      Treatment
In this section, in experimental class, the writer will use opinion gap technique by telling a story case for the students and then ask them to give answer, response, opinion by using oral according to the case. But for the control class, the writer will give method without opinion gap technique.
3.      Manipulations
The last step of the lesson, the writer will ask every student to give solution by oral about the case and ask them to debate among student and student to defense their opinion and solution.
8. The organization of The Study.
            This thesis consists of five chapters:
·        Chapter one is introduction that include the background of study, the problem of the study, the aim of study, the significant of the study, the research question and hypothesis, operational definition, the scope of study, and the organization of study;
·        Chapter two will explain about literature preview consists of introduction of daily activities in speaking, new vocabulary introduction, and explanation of grammar;
·        Chapter three is about methodology that consists of the location of the research, populations of sample, the research methodology;
·        Chapter four is about data processing; and
·        Chapter five is consists of conclusion and suggestion.

·        Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1997. Dasar - dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Penerbit Bumi Aksara.
·        Djauhari, Imam D. 1983. Mastery of English Grammar. Uraian Lengkap Tentang Penguasaan Tata Bahasa Inggris. Surabaya: Penerbit Indah.
·        Pretty, Green. 1973. Development Language Skills in the Elementary School. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
